Mar 28, 2010



The Governor race has begun in the state of California, and with the much anticipated fight for IMMIGRATION REFORM, let's see what they have to say... Conclusively, both republican candidates strongly oppose immigration reform.
In in opinion editorial written for the L.A. times by Whitman she says, "While I am a strong proponent of legal immigration, I am 100% opposed to granting amnesty to immigrants who entered the country illegally. It is the wrong policy for California, it is the wrong policy for America, and it is grossly unfair to those immigrants who have followed the law to obtain legal status." She reinforces the e-verify system, the crackdown on immigrant sanctuary cities like San Francisco, an increase in border patrol and the reimbursement for costs for incarcerated immigrants. To read her entire Opinion visit:,0,7923131.story

Like Whitman, Poizner also rejects amnesty or any law to benefit immigrants. "Illegal immigration is another matter entirely. With the state budget in tatters, millions of residents out of work and a state prison system strained by massive overcrowding, California simply cannot continue to ignore the strain that illegal immigration puts on our budget and economy. Illegal aliens cost taxpayers in our state billions of dollars each year. " Poizner says that the immigration issue is not only a responsibility of the federal government but also the state. He argues that in-state tuition for immigrant students needs to end, the elimination of state services given to immigrants, an increase of border patrol through the National Guard, the end of sanctuary cities (like S.F.), and putting an end to the illegal workforce. 


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  1. I'm a life-long liberal Democrat but I can no longer support my party as they have deserted me and put the interests of corporations and immigrants, legal and illegal, ahead of American citizens and American workers. With 15 million American workers unemployed they continue allowing 1.5 million foreign workers annually to come in and take jobs from American workers. They continue to allow 8 million illegal aliens to hold jobs in our country, and they continue to allow legal immigrants already in our country to take jobs away from American citizens.

    What is the value of US citizenship if the interests of corporations and foreign workers take precedence over US citizens. Why should American citizens fight and die to protect our country's interests abroad and our freedom at home when we are treated as second class people in our own country.

    I have been forced by politicians from both parties to become a one issue voter. I tell all politicians at all levels, if you put the interest of corporations and foreign workers before those of American citizens and American workers I will not vote for you no matter what you say about your opponent. If you won't bring our jobs home, I will do all I can to send you home. If you stand by and do nothing to remove foreign workers from jobs while American workers are unemployed, you are the problem, not any part of the solution. If you put the interests of legal immigrants and illegal aliens ahead of American citizens, you don't represent me and therefore don't belong in any elective office.

  2. Thank you for your point of view, very valuable. But I do think that many of the jobs that undocumented individuals hold are under payed and the conditions aren't the best. I think that the system is completely broken, and it is also the responsibility of people to look for a job. There are so many jobs out there. Listening to a broadcast a few weeks ago, I listened to a lady arguing that immigrants are taking away all jobs... however, she stated that because she is a citizen she would not be out in the fields doing agricultural work. It would be interesting to see American citizens, students, educated people with degrees, out in the fields for a days worth of work and see if they are willing to fill those harsh labor jobs.

  3. I just discovered this blog last night and has already made for some great the thoughtful prose on this important issue. It seems many have chosen to forget that this baby country is a nation of immigrants, everyone here came from somewhere else at some point...cheers.

  4. Thank You Libby... stay tuned for more posts ;)
