Aug 21, 2010

The Never Ending Battle...

Much has changed with regards to immigration. Yes, there a public uproar against
Arizona's SB 1070, and when its controversial parts were blocked in a court ruling,
conservative America was upset. Yet, this heated battle continues to show up in the
daily headlines. The federal goverment continues to face the issue at once, and to
the criticisms from both sides of the issue, nothing is being resolved. To keep
pro-immogrants happy, the federal government filed a lawsuit to challenge SB 1070.
In keeping anti-immigrants, some what happy, the government approved more money to
"secure" the border. It is ridiculous that the government feels it is proper to sweep
such issue under the carpet. In a national view point, anti-immigration laws are
multiplying, huntin for immigrants in all possible manners. Immigration is also to be
one of the most important issues in the upcoming mid-term elections. We understand
that democrats and republicans are doing little to construct a middle ground. But
let's hope that some commen sense enter the brains of the people running the government.