Sep 25, 2009

2010... JUST IN CASE...

In an interview conducted by the Associated Press on Friday Sept. 25, Thomas Saenz, “president and general council of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund” said he anticipates to work in immigration law next year, along side congress. He says that if Democrats make any delays with regards to immigration reform, “Congress should” break immigration down into smaller sections or groups.
Saenz said, “Lawmakers [should] address the need for foreign agricultural workers, provide legal status to high school graduates brought to the country illegally as children, and create equity for same sex partners who want to come to the U.S. or get green cards.”

Saenz is convinced that as of right now a “comprehensive immigration reform cannot move in 2010” and needs to start moving. As the immigration issue heats up, Obama himself faces pressure, from the nation and also from Latinos. According to Saenz, the support of Latinos voters given to Obama is “in critical states.”

Saenz calls for an immediate fix in the areas of “Immigration and Customs Enforcements…[the] Homeland Security Department, and suspending agreements that allow local and state law enforcement to enforce immigration laws,” all which have concluded in “civil right abuses… [and] racial profiling.”

Associated Press Article:

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